Friday, October 31, 2008

Chicken Totem

I never knew there was a chicken totem, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not sure what my deal is about chickens, I love 'em! They're both tasty and entertaining.

As a child I was often found bonding with chickens either at Knott's Berry Farm or while in the Philippines. I was also born in the year of the chicken. I know it's usually referred to as Rooster, Cockerel, or Cock, but I prefer to say Chicken.

Today, as I was doing some looking about on the net, I found a site dedicated to animal totems. As a lark I checked to see if they had one for chicken... and they do! I was even more surprised to see how similar to me it is.

The Chicken

Chickens descended from the wild red jungle fowl of India and belong to the species Gallus gallus. Raised for the production of eggs and meat since the early 1930's the chicken symbolizes nourishment. They keep bugs and weeds under control and provide fertilizer for gardens. Chickens are prone to heat stroke and need plenty of water to maintain optimum health. Those with this medicine benefit by living in an environment where water is plentiful.

The chicken has an exploratory inquisitive nature. They love to scratch around in lush vegetation uncovering every pebble, leaf or blade of grass always looking for a hidden treasure. Extremely attuned to what lies beneath the surface the chicken holds the teachings of observation, reflection and knowledge.

Personal space is important to the chicken. It requires open space in which to roam. If confined they can become aggressive with a tendency to pick on each other. A low ranking hen may be cornered and cannibalized.

Chickens have an uncanny ability to remove obstacles by pecking away tirelessly at anything that gets in their way. The skills of patience and determination seen in the chicken are often reflected in the personalities of those who hold this medicine. Although able to cooperate in groups chickens have a strong independent character and when the mood strikes they will demand their space, sometimes aggressively. Those with this medicine need occasional retreat and isolation from others. This need can come about unexpectedly at any time without warning.

Chicken medicine people are true teachers within the structure of relationships. They remind us not to become too needy of our partners, family or friends. They show us how to maintain a sense of independence in groups and ask us to take appropriate time for inner reflection. Those associated with chicken medicine people must respect that individuals need for personal space or feathers will ruffle!

Known for their hardiness chickens will run quickly and frantically away from danger. When danger is close they take off with a loud explosion which startles their predator. They are mindful creatures that have extreme sensitivity. Chickens feel the vibrations of mother earth and all life forms that inhabit her. This indicate its empathic abilities. Because empaths literally absorb the energy of everything around them a high strung nervous system can develop. If nervous energy isn't expressed in a balanced way sporadic unpredictable behavior can occur. Yoga or any other form of meditative movement can help those with this medicine acquire balance.

Those with this medicine are natural born empaths. They "feel" their way through life. Their feelings are always right and they need to honor and abide by them in everything they think, do and say.

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