Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cat Care Email

This came in tonight from my friend Angela who took care of my kids today since I'm still in Oregon and Dad wasn't home either.

Hi Yvonne,

I wasn't able to stay as long as I would have liked with your cats today because my allergies went haywire. I've been scratching my face all day. Ugh. Anyway, I gave them all food and checked their water. It smells like someone isn't using the box but I didn't see where they were going to clean it up. The box only had two piddle clumps and smelled fresh so I skipped policing their commode in lieu of breathing. I only saw Big Boy, Ed, Fluff, and Jackie. I was afraid to look under the bed for Einstein because I think they were plotting to smother me if I got on the floor. I just know Big Boy and Ed were waiting for me to get low enough for them to get on my back. From there, they would eat my body. You would have found chew remains of me, stuffed under the bed, but not that far because I don't see cats making that much of an effort to conceal the body :-)

I also didn't see Bob or Little One but I did check and call for them. I didn't see Tortellini either, but I can walk by him and not see him since he kind of blends in.

I hope all is well when you get home. Hope your trip is going well. See you Wednesday.


Yeah, my cats are pretty lazy. I doubt they'd even bother to try to pull her remains under the bed.

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