Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas is for the Dogs

Christmas Eve

I should be blogging about other things right now. I’m way overdue for an update regarding my arm, but honestly, I’m so sick of talking about it and telling people what happened I’m just not motivated enough right now.

Instead I’m going to blog about more recent events.

Last night I attended a party at my dear friend William’s home. He hosts an annual Christmas Eve party… kinda funny when you think about it… we’re not Christians. Anyway, I arrived late. I wasn’t feeling well; issues regarding my arm and things related to it. As I expected might happen due to my late attendance, some of the folks I really wanted to see like Natalie and Carol were leaving shortly after my arrival. I was still fortunate enough to speak with each of them, get hugs and wish each of them warm holiday happiness.

I also immediately noticed a guy I did not recognize. He seemed to be watching, perhaps wondering who I was just the same. I wanted to talk with him, we smiled here and there, but I was often pulled into other conversations.

Eventually I located an open chair, the house was packed, so I chose to perch myself there, safely out of the way from potential pain to my arm; again, way overdue on that medical update.

Angela came over and sat next to me. She’d given me a holiday gift… OMG it was TOTALLY AWESOME!! She made me a Jayne hat!! You know, Jayne Cobb from Firefly?!?! I totally wanted one and she was a total darling and made a super cool soft fuzzy red one for me. :)

Sitting in the back of the room gave me the ability to see everyone. I saw someone walk past into the kitchen that I didn’t recognize. I asked who it was only out of basic curiosity. You know that saying? Curiosity killed the cat? Well curiosity killed my night!

The guy heard someone say his name so it was explained I asked who he was and I was being informed. He must have taken that to mean I was interested. I wasn’t, but he didn’t care. He informs me he makes swords as a hobby. Completely non-sequitur! I wasn’t asking him anything, but he really wanted to have a conversation with me. I have to give the guy credit, he was assertive and for a short while I thought it was cool. Next he showed me this steel ring he’d made, called it his "Freedom ring". He then informs me he’s married, says his wife is crazy (literally) and wishes she’d die. *rolls eyes* Yeah, ok buddy, thanks for the info, but this is a really bad tactic for impressing a girl… I’m just sayin’!

For THE REST OF THE NIGHT the wife hater parked his ass next to me and was very bold and blatant about his interest in me. The feeling was not mutual. I was just as bold back though. I listened to his story about his wife being crazy, and it’s very possible she is, but for me that was not my concern. All I saw was a man, who was upfront about being miserable in his marriage and looking for some action outside. I’m sorry, but clear up your mess at home before even considering bringing anyone else into the fray and I basically told him as such. I told him to shit or get off the pot. If he’s so damn unhappy, end the marriage. His reasons were financial. He said he was waiting for her to get a job so he could afford to leave her and claim alimony. Again, not really impressing me.

Fortunately I had both Angela and her husband Jeff nearby so I could be “distracted”. He really made a serious effort to dominate my attention that night. Made comments about how he wanted me to drink more to lower my inhibitions and that he lived close by. There was a comment about my cleavage, which he checked out quite a bit, and some reference to my screen name (surpise). Seriously, WTF?!?!

I didn’t want to cause any drama at the party so I didn’t react to a lot of comments. I was also doing my best to not give any indication of interest on my part, and did not offer my contact info or ask for his. Eventually I believe he got the hint when the rest of us were getting ready to leave and I stayed back with Angela and Jeff.

I’m not remotely interested in dating a married man and most especially one who hates his wife, openly announces he wishes she were dead, but is to much of a wuss to actually leave her. Just pathetic!

Christmas Day

I woke up Christmas morning to the sounds of screaming and breaking glass.

My next door neighbor has a violent temper. I have no idea what happened, but around 9am I heard him yelling at someone, most likely his invalid father, saying something about the dog, then I heard the dog yelp a lot as it was thrown out of the house into the backyard. I can see his yard from my bedroom window. The noise died down so I fell back asleep. 2 hours later it sounded much, much worse. More breaking of things, yelling, screaming, dog yelping… this time I witnessed the dog being thrown out of the house. It seemed as though my neighbor was kicking it to get it to go outside.

I debated on what to do. My neighbor has been violent before and damaged my personal property by slashing my tires, injured my cats resulting in the death of at least one, as well as bragged openly about using a shovel to kill a raccoon in his yard. Getting the police involved can bring violence on my home, property, cats, or my dad. I’m just not interested in dealing with another one of his violent outbursts.

About half an hour later I heard him yelling again, going out the back door and yelling at the dog to get out of the yard. He literally kicked the dog out of the yard through the side gate. I heard it yelping again. I saw it running down the main driveway of our complex. At this moment I tried to talk to my neighbor and was met with a slamming door.

I got dressed and went after the dog. I was afraid it would get run over and hurt. I found it running down the road in the next neighborhood across a main street. Because of my arm I couldn’t lift it so I had to keep coaxing it back to the complex. Once we got back to the complex it wouldn’t budge. I could see it didn’t want to go back to my neighbor’s house, and I totally didn’t blame it, nor had any intentions of returning it into the hands of an abusive person. I brought it into my yard. For now it’s safe, but I fear what my neighbor might do to it or me if he finds it here. I can’t keep it. My cats are very unhappy and I’m allergic to dogs. So I’m hoping one of my darling friends might find it in their hearts to give this sweet pup a new and safe home.

It’s really a cute and playful dog. Looks a bit like a Pyrenean Sheppard mix. Its legs are shorter and perhaps has a shorter nose. It seems to understand basic commands of sit, stay, come, and heel. It’s also a total love bug and might lick you to death if allowed. I did not check to find out what sex the dog is though.

So if you’re interested in it, let me know asap.

I did call the police. I spoke with someone there, but it was Christmas and I suspect a lot of people were off work there. I fully explained what I witnessed and my concerns. I was afraid if a cop showed up my neighbor would do something bad to me, dad, or my cats. The woman I spoke with suggested I come into the station to file a report on Monday. My main concern is safety for the dog, me, my family, and home.

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