Saturday, July 23, 2011

I wish you love...

Tuesday I was returning from an appointment and saw a vandalized billboard that read "Born Evil". I pondered that concept for a moment. I figured that whoever painted that thought themselves fairly bad-ass, and figure they may believe that Might Makes Right and that respect is earned through fear and intimidation. Granted, I was speculating a great deal here, but having known many that felt this to be the case I didn't think it was very far fetched either.

As I contemplated that I mentally responded to myself, "but love is stronger than evil". Energetically, love will always be stronger. Anger and violence can only get you so far, but love will always take you farther.

Thursday night my drama partner and classmate, Eric, popped on over to catch up. Class has been out for two weeks now and instead of seeing each other daily we now have to schedule time to hang out. I miss seeing my classmates regularly, especially Eric.

During our conversation he told me about having gone on a meditation retreat a few years back. 10 days of no phones, no tv, no radio, no music, no books, no journals, and no conversation. No distractions, just meditation. For our modern, fast paced, technology-dependent, social media-filled society, that might not be a choice many would be willing to make. He recalled getting a little stir-crazy about day 2 and wanting to leave, but he didn't give up. He said by day 8 he had an epiphany and it all clicked for him, he understood what it meant to "be in the now" and connect with the universe. It sounded amazing and reminded me of when I returned home from Witch Camp back in 2000 -a life altering experience for me.

Anyway, one of the things he mentioned was building up to meditate for an hour about nothing. For me, it takes about 2 minutes and I'm asleep. I must have something to distract my brain or it just decides it's time for a nap. So an hour long nap, er, I mean... meditation on my breathing, and being "in the now" isn't an easy task for me, but guided meditations I can usually do.

Today I woke from a nap (no, an actual nap) and decided to do some energy work.  From a seated position on the middle of my bed, palms together at my heart chakra, I began grounding and centering. I sent roots from my feet down into the earth below to the center of the earth to pull up the energy from the earth's core into myself, filling my entire being. Then I brought in pure white light energy from the universe down into my crown chakra again, filling my entire being. While I did this I used the fresh, clean energy to push any and all unhealthy energy out or off of me. Sounds a little "New Agey" doesn't it? Yeah, well, it works, so I don't care if someone thinks it's "fluffy". Once I've connected to both sources, filled up and cleared out, I began my work.

Today I opted to send love.

I started out with the people closest to me, then expanded to all my friends and family. From there I added in all of my friends' families. I also included acquaintances and even people who were no longer my friends or people I knew, but didn't like (sometimes that's a tough one). Each time I pictured the individual, or their name, or relation to someone I knew. Once I ran out of people I knew directly I decided to just expand to sending love to every person on the planet. Yep, that's a lot of love! (I believe that every person truly has the ability to love that much.) I continued to include every living creature on the planet from single celled organisms to government officials... and yes, sometimes those two seem like the same thing.

When I finished I opened my eyes to a differently lit room than when I began. It was light outside when I started, and now my room was dark lit only by the light in the hall. I was slightly shocked at first, I didn't realize so much time had passed, but as it turned out, I had spent an hour... meditating.

So if you're reading this post, just know that today I thought about you and I wish you love. <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pitbull Rescue

Got an email today from someone seeking help in saving a year old friendly female pitbull. Here's the info I received:
On Friday July 8, a female pitbull showed up at our house. She is very friendly and is about a year old. I have tried every way possible to find her family and or home with no luck. She is not micro chipped. The way she acts I think her family abandoned her. I have called and emailed many pet shelters with no luck. I would keep her myself but my chow does not like her. Please let me know if anyone wants her. I am trying to avoid having to take her to the pound.

Second email

Ok, we have ran out of options now. After making many calls to shelters with none of them even returning a call back we must take the dog we found to the pound on Thursday. Just want to remind you that she is a Pitbull that acts nothing like a pit. She is super friendly and is house trained. By the way she acts I think she would be a great family dog. Like I said before I would keep her but my chow does not like her and went after her.

If you are in the Southern California area and able to help rescue this dog, please contact Dennis immediately!
Dennis -

UPDATE - 7/15/11 Dennis has informed me that the dog has found a new home with a loving family! Thank you everyone! :D