Monday, March 7, 2011

Charlie Sheen - Is he still winning?

So I guess Charlie Sheen finally got fired from "Two and a Half Men". Is it really a surprise? I am confused a bit though. I thought they already canceled the show, so Sheen getting fired seems almost silly at that point.

I think he was being selfish. I seriously wish the media would quit glorifying drug and alcohol addicted celebrities. There's nothing great about someone throwing their life away.

It's a real tough time for a lot of Americans and right now no one can afford to loose their job, so for Sheen to go off on a self absorbed rant about poor him not making millions of dollars without a single care for the rest of the cast or crew... just sucks. I don't think he was the entire show, but he was definitely a major part of it. Without him on the cast it wouldn't be the same. He forced the producers to take action. He gambled and everyone lost. Many on the crew might be able to find work again soon, but some likely won't. Because of his selfish act, more families are going to struggle this year. I just don't see what's so great about that.