Thursday, February 19, 2009

44 odd things about me that you probably didn't think you needed to know

1. Do you like blue cheese?
Of course I do! It's cheese!

2. Have you ever been drunk?
Not since last weekend.

3. Do you own a gun?
Quite a few. Along with lots of shiny sharp pointy things.

4. What flavor of Kool Aid was your favorite?
Lime. That's Bryce's fault, actually. Lol! It was his favorite, because it was green, so we had it a lot growing up. It soon became my favorite too.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
No, not before, but sometimes during. I have been known to make some doctors uncomfortable. Some love that I'm so well informed about my situation/condition and ask lots of questions. However, there have been a few who didn't like this and were a great deal less than professional about things as a means to "even the playing field". One physically assaulted me because he couldn't handle my reason for denying a harmful procedure he himself was abusing, while another used to yell at me because he also didn't understand why I was denying having a harmful (not helpful) procedure done. My denying the procedure meant they couldn't get extra money from my insurance. It also meant that unlike many I'd met who were not only NOT relieved of the issue the procedure was supposed to alleviate but also permanently crippled and disfigured, I'm fully functional and have no permanent physical issues. Needless to say, those men are no longer my doctors.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
I loves them! Especially the "Chicago" style dogs at Portillos. Mmmmmm...

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
"White Christmas" (1954)

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water, it's the first thing I drink.

9. Can you do push ups?
Not currently. Broken arm kinda makes that difficult, and I never mastered the one handed push-up.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
It's a sterling silver brooch (41mm) with a beautiful interwoven design of Odin riding his 8 legged horse, Sleipnir. I have a matching pendant as well. I bought the pendant first many years ago and the ex bought me the brooch at Koroneburg Faire a couple of years ago. It's one of the few things he did right. ^_^

11. Favorite hobby?
Collecting crystal skulls. I have nearly 70 of them, from tiny to rather large, made from various stones and semi-precious gems carved by artists around the globe. I began collecting them in 2000 after meeting Max, the Crystal Skull. They all occupy the ancestor altar I have set up in my living room. I have also used them for their magickal properties to enhance spells and other magickal workings.

12. Do you have A.D.D.?
Definitely. Some times things are worse than others, but I think... hmmm, I need to do laundry... anyway, I know I have a very hard time not... ooooh shiny!! Damn, I think I need to go to the store. I forgot I needed... Did I ever mention I used to be a cheerleader for Buddha? I think I'm hungry. Oh, hey isn't tonight light saber fight night with the OC Star Wars club? Oh that was yesterday, huh? Anyway, yes I think I do.

13. What's your favorite shoe?
I have well over 200 pairs. Yes, I believe I am related to Imelda Marcos. Anyway, my most frequently worn pair are my black on black cat head mary janes. I have three other pairs of cat heads: black cat heads on red shoes, black cat heads on white shoes, and pink cat heads on black shoes.

14. Middle name?
Yep, I have one.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
Going to Tune in Tokyo tonight and figuring out what I want to wear, getting the ritual together for the movie I'm filming in March, and singing a Flogging Molly tune in my head.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Water, sprite/7up type soda, more water. I stay clear of caffeine because it makes me ill, and despite this past weekend and some of my parties, I really don't drink very much overall. With that in mind there are very few drinks I will have when I go out.

17. Current worry?
My next project: "Honoring the Ancestors"

18. Current hate right now?
Hate is such a harsh word and I can't really say I "hate" anything. I greatly dislike a lot of things though. I greatly dislike the state of limbo my broken arm and pending surgeries put me in.

19. No number 19
Hey, where'd it go?

20. How did you bring in the New Year?
It was awesome! Eileen and I went to the middle of freakin' NO WHERE, east of here, to celebrate Joe's 40th birthday and catch up with Jeff, Carla, and Paul all of whom I hadn't seen in about 7 years. We were all buddies from school, but Jeff, Joe and I were also all staff writers for different rock magazines back in the early '90s. My OCAG crew called me and all wished me a Happy New Year too. It was fantastic! :D

21. Where would you like to go?
Japan, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Italy, Spain, Peru, Brazil, and Germany.

22. Name three people who will complete this:
Seriously, do I have to? Meh. I greatly dislike these kind of questions.

23. Do you own slippers?

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
A white OC AIDS Walk t-shirt.

25. Do you like sleeping on Satin sheets?
I sleep on 600 count sateen sheets and love 'em! But regular satin sheets... never have.

26. Can you whistle?
Indeed, I can, and when I do the cats come. Go figure.

27. Favorite color?
Deep purple - It's my hair color

28. Would you be a pirate?
How dare ye ask me such a question. O' course I be! I be th' Queen o' the pirates in these parts! Besides, the ninja club was full the month I tried to join. o_O

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever's stuck in my head at the time. Pop, rock, chorale, pagan.

30. Favorite Girl's Name?
Sophia, Isabella, Yumiko

31. Favorite boy's name?
Matthias, Octavius, Thorstein
(no, I really can't just pick a single favorite name)

32. What's in your pocket right now?
I'm not wearing anything with pockets.

33. Last thing that made you laugh?
The most recent set of comments my friends posted on my PantheaCon photos.

34. Best bed sheets as a child?
Clean. And might I add, what a weird-ass question!

35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child?
Falling from the roof and breaking my tail bone. whee!

36. Do you love where you live?
Love? Hmmmm... I've lived here for 18+ years now. It would not have been my first pick, but it could have been far worse. Besides, I'm still in OC and for that I am happy.

37. No number 37

38. Who is your loudest friend?
That's easy: Jason, the self-proclaimed "Omnipresent Mouth". I use him to quiet the crowd when I have announcements and such.

39. How many dogs do you have?
Um... reminder, I have cats. They don't seem to be terribly fond of dogs. However, I have been contemplating getting a British bulldog or a Corgi. They're just so damn cute!!!

40. Does someone have a crush on you?
Apparently a few. o_O

41. What is your favorite book?
Really, just one? In case you haven't noticed I don't do well with picking just one favorite. Fine! One of my faves at random: "The Birth of the Chess Queen" by Marilyn Yalom

42. What is your favorite candy?
Hands down: English Toffee. I love that buttery sweet taste. (Oh wow, something I was actually able to just pick one for!)

43. What song do you want to be played at your Funeral?
Geez, I have an entire playlist! It includes Roy Orbison, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Flogging Molly, Home Made Kazoku, & Tyr.

I have hopes my funeral will be an open funeral pyre (loaded with fragrant herbs), outside - perhaps in a big open field (not exactly viking style - no boat burnings please), at dusk. I hope my friends will feast, drink plenty of mead and beer, have good tunes playing, and party all night in my honor. That would be quite awesome. :)

Is it strange that this is what I have wanted for my funeral for as long as I can remember? If it is, I don't really care.

44. Favorite Sports Team?
The Anaheim (not Los Angeles) Angels.